Cyprus joins TMview

Since 1st July 2013 Cyprus and three other new National Offices have made their trademark data available to the TMview search tool. Cyprus and Croatia joined as members of the EU and Mexico and Norway as non-EU countries.

These integrations are concrete results of both the International Cooperation and Cooperation Fund programmes managed by OHIM in collaboration with its EU and international partners.

This latest extension brings the total number of offices participating in TMview to 29. With the addition of the first trade marks from non-EU Offices, TMview now provides access to approximately 11m trade marks in total.

Having almost completed the integration of nearly all EU Offices, including Croatia, TMview has set off for a new milestone to acquire a relevant critical mass of trade mark data and geographical coverage and to become a major reference search tool for trademarks.

Since its introduction on 13 April 2010, the tool has served almost 4m searches from 196 different countries, with users from Spain, Germany and Italy among the most frequent visitors.

You can find out more at

For more information about how you can benefit from the above user friendly search tool and how this may impact on your intellectual property rights, don’t hesitate to send us an email to:

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