IP Cyprus Secures Distinctive Protection for KUNUPAKI Trademark

We are delighted to announce a significant win for IP Cyprus in our recent trademark case involving the KUNUPAKI mark. Our firm successfully defended the distinctiveness of the KUNUPAKI trademark , a mark created by a Cyprus – based company, against an opposition filed by a third party who are the owners of earlier EU marks.

The opposition was based on the claim that the KUNUPAKI mark is merely descriptive for insect repellents in Class 5. Despite this, our team effectively demonstrated to the Cyprus Trade Mark Office that KUNUPAKI possesses a distinctive character and is not merely descriptive.

The Examiner compared the earlier EU marks owned by  the opponents with the contested KUNUPAKI mark and found no similarities between them. This comparison reinforced our argument that KUNUPAKI is distinct from the opponents’ marks. Additionally, while the word “KUNUPAKI” translates to “small mosquito” in Greek, one of Cyprus’s official languages, this meaning did not diminish the mark’s distinctive character in the context of trademark law.

This ruling highlights our expertise in securing and defending our clients’ intellectual property rights. The KUNUPAKI mark is now confirmed as distinctive and will continue to be protected in its sector.

At IP Cyprus, we are committed to safeguarding the unique identity of our clients’ brands. For any inquiries regarding trademark protection or intellectual property matters, please do not hesitate to contact us.


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