
We are proud to announce a significant victory for our client, ToynBee Ltd., the owners of the trademark BEEINSTEIN IQ TOYS, with Cyprus number 90715. The trademark opposition was filed by the owners of the earlier EU trademarks BABY EINSTEIN. The dispute, which concerned goods in Class 28 (toys) and services in Class 35 (retail...
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We are pleased to announce a significant victory for IP Cyprus in the realm of EU design protection. We successfully invalidated the Registered Community Design (RCD) 006385118-0001 concerning ball-point pens. The invalidation (INVALIDITY No ICD 117 494 ) was based on the lack of individual character, as the contested design had been used in trade...
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我们很高兴地宣布,IP Cyprus 在中国深圳开设了通信办事处,进一步扩大了我们的全球业务。这一战略举措反映了我们对支持客户在中国市场业务活动的承诺,并确保全球范围内无缝访问我们的法律服务。 通过新办事处,我们旨在为寻求知识产权保护和法律指导的客户提供更全面的支持。我们的团队具备在全球最大、最具活力的市场之一协助知识产权的注册、保护、许可和维护的专业能力。 此外,我们致力于帮助中国客户应对欧盟知识产权法的复杂性,提供专业建议和服务,确保他们的知识产权在欧盟境内得到保护和优化。 我们在中国的业务拓展增强了我们提供量身定制的法律解决方案的能力,并与全球主要司法管辖区建立了可信赖的合作关系。我们期待与中国客户的深入合作,并继续提供高质量的法律服务,以满足我们国际客户的多样化需求。 欲了解更多关于我们在中国和欧盟的服务信息,请发送电子邮件至 info@ipcyprus.com。
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Cyprus is a country with a rapidly growing economy and an increasing number of businesses operating on an international level. One way that businesses can protect their brand and expand their reach globally is by filing for an international trademark registration from Cyprus , using the WIPO Madrid Agreement. In this post, we will explore...
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Intellectual property (IP) refers to the legal rights that protect intangible assets, such as trademarks, patents, copyrights, and trade secrets. While these assets may not have a physical form, they are critical for businesses in Cyprus, as they can provide significant competitive advantages and help to drive innovation and growth. In this article, we’ll explore...
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Trademark law in Cyprus can be complex and daunting for business owners. With so many rules and regulations to navigate, it’s easy to make mistakes that can lead to costly legal disputes. However, by taking the time to understand Cyprus trademark law and working with an experienced trademark lawyer, you can help to ensure that...
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As a startup founder in Cyprus, you likely have a lot on your plate. From developing your product or service to managing your team and securing funding, there’s no shortage of tasks to tackle. However, one area that shouldn’t be overlooked is intellectual property (IP) protection. IP is critical for startups, as it helps to...
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Once the EPO is granted designating Cyprus, then the patent must be validated in Cyprus accordingly. Validation of a European patent includes: a) Filing the relevant form b) accompanied by the translation in the Greek language of the European patent as published in the European Patent Bulletin, c) the translator’s affidavit and d) the PCT...
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If the EPO examiners decide to grant a patent, and all fees have been paid and any claims translations filed, the decision is reported in the European Patent Bulletin. The decision to grant takes effect on the date of publication. What you have now got is a ‘bundle’ of individual national patents. After the EPO...
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As per the new Trademark Law, each Cyprus trademark is protected for a period of 10 years since the application date, and can thereafter be renewed for unlimited periods of 10 years each. The Cyprus Trademark Office notifies the owners six months before the expiration of the protection of the mark . This is why...
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