
I received Notification to renew my Trademark in Cyprus. What shall I do?

As per the new Trademark Law, each Cyprus trademark is protected for a period of 10 years since the application date, and can thereafter be...

Cyprus implements new Trademark Law

On 5 June 2020 Cyprus voted in favour of its new Trademark Law which was subsequently published on 17 June 2020. The new Law can...

"Έχω μια πατέντα! Βοήθησέ με να την προστατέψω!"

Είναι , ίσως, μια από τις πιο γνωστές αναφορές που ακούμε. Όσοι έχουν μια επιχειρηματική ιδέα, θεωρούν πως έχουν και πατέντα (ή μάλλον πιο σωστά...

Legal protection of Videogames

Unlike other creative industries, video games draw on the worlds of both technology and creativity. Intellectual Property (IP) rights are the main tools for the...

Assignment of intellectual property rights

The intellectual property assignment is a transfer of an owner’s rights, title and interest in certain intellectual property rights. The transferring party (“assignor”) transfers to...

EUIPO Online Copyright Infringement Report Published

The EUIPO recently published its “Online Copyright Infringement in the European Union” report, which is based on data on access to pirated music, film and...

Applying IP Rights to Big Data

Professor Daniel Gervais, Director of the Intellectual Property Programme at Vanderbilt Law School, has recently published an in-depth article reviewing the application of IP rights...

2 million EU trademark applications received at EUIPO

Big news for the Trademark World! 25 years after the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO) was founded as the responsible authority for the registrations...

European Patent Office: Sharp rise in patent applications for self-driving vehicles

A study published on 6th  November 2018, by the European Patent Office (EPO) reveals that innovation in self-driving vehicles (SDV) is accelerating fast and finds...

IP CYPRUS at the Business of IP Asia Forum

    IP Cyprus proudly confirms its participation at the coming “Business of IP Asia Forum 2018” (BIP) Jointly organised by the HKSAR Government, Hong...

IP and Brexit: How to survive!

In case you are the owner of an EU Trademark (EUTM) and you wish to be updated on the status of your intellectual property rights...

Marinos Cleanthous was appointed Member of the Cyprus IP Committee

Our Partner Marinos Cleanthous has been appointed by the Ministry of Councils of the Republic of Cyprus as one of the five members of the...

140th INTA Annual Meeting

IP CYPRUS will be attending the 140th International Trademark Association (INTA) Annual Meeting which will take place in Seattle (USA) between 19- 24 May 2018....

LEGAL 500: IP CYPRUS is ranked No.1

The LEGAL 500 (2018) just announced its “Law Firm and Leading Lawyer rankings”. We are proud to announce that IP Cyprus has made the TOP...

Maria Ioannides has been appointed as an INTA Committee member

Our Partner Maria Ioannides, has been named as a member of the International Trademark Association (INTA) Trademark Office Practices Committee (TOPC) for the term 2018-2019....

IP Cyprus is listed by INC.

IP CYPRUS, the one of its kind Intellectual Property and Business Law Firm of Cyprus (EU) is proud to announce that is listed and verified...

Seminar of the Cyprus Graphic Designers Association

The Cyprus Association of Graphic Designers and Illustrators will host an event entitled “The value of your intellectual property!” The event will take place on...

Technology Transfer Agreements

Our latest publication about the basic and most important information needed for a successful Technology Transfer Agreement in the EU.

Maria and Marinos join the Silicon Valley IP Law Association

Both Partners of the Firm, Maria Ioannides and Marinos Cleanthous confirm their membership to the esteemed Silicon Valley Intellectual Property Law Association (SVIPLA). For over...

IP Cyprus joins IAAIL

IP CYPRUS proudly announces its membership registration to the International Association for Artificial Intelligence and Law (IAAIL). IAAIL is a nonprofit association devoted to promoting...

Domain name and social media legal protection

Building an online presence is a key element of most marketing strategies and opens the door to a wealth of opportunity. Never has the online...

Online protection of your intellectual property

The Internet has affected all aspects of business, which includes Intellectual Property in particular trade marks and copyright. All it takes a few clicks to...

Invitation for IP Day

Cyprus International Institute of Management (CIIM) and IP CYPRUS invite you to join us in a celebration of innovation, entrepreneurship and Intellectual Property Rights on...

Let’s make copyright right!

IP CYPRUS raises its voice for education and supports the campaign for a better new EU Copyright Law. Why we need your help The European...

INTA 2017 Meeting in Barcelona

Between 20-24 May IP CYPRUS, the proud leading intellectual property law firm of Cyprus, will be in Barcelona for the International Trademark Association (INTA) Annual...

How important is intellectual property protection to your startup?

As per the INC. magazine: “…a strong IP portfolio will be vitally important to your ability to play the long game. The world’s largest innovators,...

World Trademark Review 2017

IP Cyprus is proud to announce that it has been recommended as a leading player by the World Trademark Review 1000 – The World’s Leading...

Cyprus Trademarks Trends 2016

Our 2016 annual review of statistics and numbers of Cyprus trademark applications.

How to protect my app in Cyprus?

An app is the result of software, design and branding. The owner of the app must make sure from the initial steps of the development...

How to protect my software in Cyprus?

Generally, according to the EU Directive, software is deemed copyright which is an automatic right. There is no actual registration procedure in place in Cyprus...
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